Saturday 13 October 2012

Miss Dior Cherie

Type: Print
Appeal: emotional appeal
Customers: young working adults from 20- 35 years, urban working adults from 25 years to 45 years (women).

The Miss Dior Cherie advertisement is among my best advertisements because it is short and simple; it is straight forward. The ad used both visual and words in order to bring attention and make it memorable in the customer’s minds. They used an emotional appeal to make the targeted audience feel happy and passionate by showing a beautiful lady holding the perfume and flying with balloons. The advertisement is colorful therefore it awakens customer curiosity and interest. The headline used is clear, colorful and in a cursive form but the visual used is the strongest element because it complements the words. I like this magazine advertisement because the graphics used are attractive and the tone used is sincere and friendly.

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